######################################################################## # PDF -> EPUB conversion # Copyright (C) 2013 Daniel Beer # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for # any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the # above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all # copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL # WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR # PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER # TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR # PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ######################################################################## # Tuned for "A Mathematician's Apology", by G.H. Hardy, available in # PDF format from: # # http://www.math.ualberta.ca/mss/ ######################################################################## import xml.sax, sys, cgi, math, re ######################################################################## # Take XML input from pdf2txt.py and feed it to a SAX parser which will # extract pages of unordered glyphs. ######################################################################## def runFilters(filep): parser = xml.sax.make_parser() parser.setContentHandler(GlyphExtractor()) parser.parse(filep) ######################################################################## # Parse the output of pdf2txt.py and produce a stream of tuples # containing glyphs with their positions, fonts and sizes ######################################################################## class GlyphExtractor(xml.sax.ContentHandler): def __init__(self): self.handler = LineGrouper() def startElement(self, name, attrs): if name == 'text': self.textattrs = attrs elif name == 'page': self.handler.page() def characters(self, content): if content == '\n': return try: fontBits = self.textattrs['font'].split(',') if len(fontBits) < 2: fontBits.append(None) bbox = map(float, self.textattrs['bbox'].split(',')) fontBits.append(int(round(float(self.textattrs['size'])))) except: return self.handler.glyph(tuple(bbox), tuple(fontBits), content) def endDocument(self): self.handler.end() class GlyphExtractorPrinter(): def page(self): print 'page' def glyph(self, bbox, font, char): print (' glyph: bbox=%s, font=%s, char=%r' % \ ('(%.02f, %.02f, %.02f, %.02f)' % bbox, '(%s, %s, %d)' % font, char)).encode('utf-8') def end(self): print '<<>>' ######################################################################## # Take the output of the glyph extractor and then identify common # baselines within each page. Emit glyphs grouped by line, then by page. # Lines are ordered top-to-bottom, but glyphs are unordered within each # line. ######################################################################## class LineGrouper(): def __init__(self): self.handler = ChunkJoiner() self.glyphs = None def emit_page(self): if self.glyphs is None: return lines = {} for bi, glyph in self.glyphs: klass = self.get_class(bi) if not lines.has_key(klass): lines[klass] = [] lines[klass].append(glyph) klasses = lines.keys() klasses.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(self.baselines[a], self.baselines[b])) klasses.reverse() self.handler.page() for klass in klasses: bl = self.baselines[klass] self.handler.line(bl) for bottom, span, font, char in lines[klass]: lift = int(round(bottom - bl)) self.handler.glyph(span, font + tuple([lift]), char) self.glyphs = None def page(self): self.emit_page() self.glyphs = [] self.eqClass = {} self.baselines = {} # Obtain the class to which the given index currently belongs. # Initially, all indices belong solely to distinct classes. def get_class(self, bi): if not self.eqClass.has_key(bi): return bi cl = self.get_class(self.eqClass[bi]) self.eqClass[bi] = cl return cl # Record the given baseline value as being associated with the class # idx. We keep track of the smallest baseline seen in each class. def notice_baseline(self, idx, value): if not self.baselines.has_key(idx) or \ self.baselines[idx] > value: self.baselines[idx] = value # Join two classes def join_classes(self, a, b): if a < b: self.eqClass[b] = a self.notice_baseline(a, self.baselines[b]) elif b > a: self.eqClass[a] = b self.notice_baseline(b, self.baselines[a]) def glyph(self, bbox, font, char): left, bottom, right, top = bbox bi = int(math.ceil(bottom)) ti = int(math.floor(top)) klass = self.get_class(bi) self.notice_baseline(klass, bottom) if char != ' ': for i in xrange(bi + 1, (bi + ti + ti) / 3): ic = self.get_class(i) self.notice_baseline(ic, bottom) self.join_classes(klass, ic) self.glyphs.append((klass, (bottom, (left, right), font, char))) def end(self): self.emit_page() self.handler.end() class LineGrouperPrinter(): def page(self): print 'page' def line(self, base): print ' line: base=%.02f' % base def glyph(self, span, font, char): print (' glyph: span=%s, font=%s, char=%r' % \ ('(%.02f, %.02f)' % span, '(%s, %s, %d, %d)' % font, char)).encode('utf-8') def end(self): print '<<>>' ######################################################################## # Take the output of line grouping, and within each line, sort and join # glyphs into substring chunks with common styling. Chunks are ordered # by left edge. ######################################################################## GLUE_MARGIN = 20.0 class ChunkJoiner: def __init__(self): self.handler = Depaginator() self.glyphs = None def emit_line(self): if self.glyphs is None: return self.glyphs.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[0][0], b[0][0])) chunkText = '' chunkFont = None chunkLeft = None chunkRight = None self.handler.line(self.baseline) for (l, r), font, char in self.glyphs: if chunkFont != font or abs(chunkRight - l) > GLUE_MARGIN: if chunkText != '': self.handler.chunk((chunkLeft, chunkRight), chunkFont, chunkText) chunkText = '' chunkFont = font chunkLeft = l chunkRight = r chunkText += char if chunkText != '': self.handler.chunk((chunkLeft, chunkRight), chunkFont, chunkText) self.glyphs = None def page(self): self.emit_line() self.handler.page() def line(self, baseline): self.emit_line() self.baseline = baseline self.glyphs = [] def glyph(self, span, font, char): self.glyphs.append((span, font, char)) def end(self): self.emit_line() self.handler.end() class ChunkJoinerPrinter: def page(self): print 'page' def line(self, base): print ' line: base=%.02f' % base def chunk(self, span, font, text): print (' chunk: span=%s, font=%s, text=%r' % \ ('(%.02f, %.02f)' % span, '(%s, %s, %d, %d)' % font, text)).encode('utf-8') def end(self): print '<<>>' ######################################################################## # Take the output of the chunk joiner, and depaginate the document. We # classify lines based on content and position to identify: # - title-page material # - page numbers # - footnotes # Page numbers are thrown away, and footnotes are reassembled at the end # of the document. Pages and baselines disappear, and we emit sections, # consisting of lines of chunks. ######################################################################## SPECIAL_PAGES = ['title', 'copyright', 'dedication', 'preface'] class Depaginator: def __init__(self): self.chunks = None self.footnotes = [] self.page_number = -1 self.handler = Unwrapper() def emit_chunks(self): if self.chunks is None: return chunks = self.chunks self.chunks = None # Throw away the footer if self.baseline < 170.0: return # Throw away lines with no content haveContent = False for x in chunks: if x[2].rstrip() != '': haveContent = True if not haveContent: return if self.isFootnote: self.footnotes.append(chunks) else: self.handler.line() for span, font, text in chunks: self.handler.chunk(span, font, text) def page(self): self.emit_chunks() self.page_number += 1 self.isFootnote = False if self.page_number < len(SPECIAL_PAGES): self.handler.section(SPECIAL_PAGES[self.page_number]) elif self.page_number == len(SPECIAL_PAGES): self.handler.section('main') def line(self, baseline): self.emit_chunks() self.chunks = [] self.baseline = baseline def chunk(self, span, font, text): if span[0] < 130.0 and font[2] == 9: self.isFootnote = True self.chunks.append((span, font, text)) def emit_footnotes(self): self.handler.section('footnotes') for line in self.footnotes: self.handler.line() for span, font, text in line: self.handler.chunk(span, font, text) def end(self): self.emit_chunks() self.emit_footnotes() self.handler.end() class DepaginatorPrinter: def section(self, ident): print 'section: ident=%r' % ident def line(self): print ' line' def chunk(self, span, font, text): print (' chunk: span=%s, font=%s, text=%r' % \ ('(%.02f, %.02f)' % span, '(%s, %s, %d, %d)' % font, text)).encode('utf-8') def end(self): print '<<>>' ######################################################################## # Take the output of the depaginator, and rejoin lines into paragraphs. # Dehyphenate and add spacing as necessary ######################################################################## PARA_INDENT = 16.0 PARA_WOBBLE = 2.0 BLOCKQUOTE_EDGE = 160.0 RIGHT_JUSTIFY = 450.0 class Unwrapper: def __init__(self): self.handler = HTMLGenerator() self.paragraph = [] self.chunks = [] def dehyphenate(self): if len(self.paragraph) <= 0: return font, text = self.paragraph.pop() if len(text) > 0 and text[len(text) - 1] == '-': self.paragraph.append((font, text[:len(text) - 1])) elif text == '\n': self.paragraph.append((font, text)) else: self.paragraph.append((font, text.rstrip() + ' ')) def rstrip_paragraph(self): font, text = self.paragraph.pop() if len(text) > 0: self.paragraph.append((font, text.rstrip())) def emit_paragraph(self): if len(self.paragraph) <= 0: return self.rstrip_paragraph() self.handler.paragraph(self.leftEdge) for font, text in self.paragraph: self.handler.chunk(font, text) self.paragraph = [] def emit_line(self): if len(self.chunks) <= 0: return # Look for paragraph breaks lineEdge = self.chunks[0][0][0] if len(self.paragraph) > 0: if lineEdge > self.lastLineEdge + PARA_WOBBLE or \ lineEdge < (self.lastLineEdge - PARA_INDENT): self.emit_paragraph() elif abs(lineEdge - self.leftEdge) < 0.1 and \ lineEdge > BLOCKQUOTE_EDGE: self.rstrip_paragraph() self.paragraph.append((self.chunks[0][1], '\n')) elif self.lastRightEdge < RIGHT_JUSTIFY: self.emit_paragraph() self.lastLineEdge = lineEdge if len(self.paragraph) == 0: self.leftEdge = lineEdge # Feed in line chunks self.dehyphenate() for (l, r), font, text in self.chunks: self.paragraph.append((font, text)) self.lastRightEdge = r self.chunks = [] def section(self, ident): self.emit_line() self.emit_paragraph() self.handler.section(ident) def line(self): self.emit_line() def chunk(self, span, font, text): self.chunks.append((span, font, text)) def end(self): self.emit_line() self.emit_paragraph() self.handler.end() class UnwrapperPrinter: def section(self, ident): print 'section: ident=%r' % ident def paragraph(self, edge): print ' paragraph: edge=%.02f' % edge def chunk(self, font, text): print (' chunk: font=%s, text=%r' % \ ('(%s, %s, %d, %d)' % font, text)).encode('utf-8') def end(self): print '<<>>' ######################################################################## # Take unflowed paragraphs and produce an HTML document. ######################################################################## # Chunk attributes ATTR_SUPERSCRIPT = 0x01 ATTR_ITALIC = 0x02 # Paragraph attributes ATTR_BLOCKQUOTE = 0x01 ATTR_HEADING = 0x02 ATTR_FOOTNOTE = 0x04 class HTMLGenerator: def __init__(self): self.handler = OutputWriter() self.chunk_text = [] self.para_chunks = [] def section(self, ident): self.emit_chunk() self.emit_paragraph() self.current_section = ident self.handler.block(ident.replace(' ', '_')) def paragraph(self, edge): self.emit_chunk() self.emit_paragraph() self.para_attr = 0 if edge > 150.0 and self.current_section == 'main': self.para_attr |= ATTR_BLOCKQUOTE def emit_chunk(self): if len(self.chunk_text) == 0: return self.para_chunks.append((self.chunk_attr, ''.join(self.chunk_text))) self.chunk_text = [] def emit_paragraph(self): if len(self.para_chunks) == 0: return raw_text = ''.join([text for _, text in self.para_chunks]) if self.para_attr & ATTR_HEADING: self.para_chunks = [] name = (self.current_section + ' ' + raw_text).replace(' ', '_') self.handler.block(name) self.handler.data('' % name) self.handler.data('

') self.handler.data(cgi.escape(raw_text)) self.handler.data('

') return # Hack to look for math-like paragraphs if re.match('^[A-Za-z]?([^A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z])*[^A-Za-z]*$', raw_text): self.para_attr |= ATTR_BLOCKQUOTE if self.para_attr & ATTR_BLOCKQUOTE: self.handler.data('
') self.handler.data('

') for attr, text in self.para_chunks: if text == '\n': self.handler.data('
') elif text == '': pass else: if attr & ATTR_ITALIC != 0: self.handler.data('') if attr & ATTR_SUPERSCRIPT != 0: self.handler.data('') if attr & ATTR_FOOTNOTE: if self.current_section == 'footnotes': dst = 'fnsrc_' src = 'fndef_' else: src = 'fnsrc_' dst = 'fndef_' self.handler.data('' % (src, text)) self.handler.data('' % (dst, text)) self.handler.data(cgi.escape(text)) if attr & ATTR_FOOTNOTE: self.handler.data('') if attr & ATTR_SUPERSCRIPT != 0: self.handler.data('') if attr & ATTR_ITALIC != 0: self.handler.data('') self.handler.data('

') if self.para_attr & ATTR_BLOCKQUOTE: self.handler.data('
') self.para_chunks = [] def chunk(self, font, text): face, style, size, lift = font attr = 0 if text == '\n': self.emit_chunk() self.para_chunks.append((0, '\n')) return if style == 'Italic': attr |= ATTR_ITALIC if lift >= size / 2: attr |= ATTR_SUPERSCRIPT if face == 'TimesNewRoman' and \ ((self.current_section == 'footnotes' and size == 9 and lift >= 5) or (self.current_section == 'main' and size == 12 and lift == 8)): attr |= ATTR_FOOTNOTE if self.chunk_text != [] and self.chunk_attr != attr: self.emit_chunk() if face == 'EDONCD+cmr10' and size == 18: self.para_attr |= ATTR_HEADING self.chunk_attr = attr self.chunk_text.append(text) def end(self): self.emit_chunk() self.emit_paragraph() self.handler.end() class HTMLGeneratorPrinter: def __init__(self): self.have_line = False def end_line(self): if self.have_line: sys.stdout.write('\n') self.have_line = False def block(self, name): self.end_line() sys.stdout.write('' % name) def data(self, text): sys.stdout.write(text.encode('utf-8')) self.have_line = True def end(self): self.end_line() sys.stdout.write('\n') ######################################################################## # Regex rewriter. This takes text from the HTML generator, organized # into blocks, and applies various regexes to it to fix minor issues. ######################################################################## OUTPUT_PREAMBLE = """ A Mathematician's Apology """ OUTPUT_POSTAMBLE = """ """ OUTPUT_GLOBAL = [ (u'\u00a7([0-9]*)', u'\u00a7\\1'), ('\(cid:34\)', u'\u22ef'), ('101010', '101010') ] OUTPUT_LOCAL = { 'title': [ ('


', '


'), ('

(G. H. Hardy)

', '\\1') ], 'copyright': [ ('^', '
'), ('
', ' '), ('by the

', 'by the '), ('Web at

', 'Web at '), ('$', '

HTML generated by ama_generate.py, ' '2 Jan 2013, http://www.dlbeer.co.nz/

'), ('(http://[a-z\./]+)', '\\1') ], 'dedication': [('^', '
')], 'preface_Preface': [('18July1940', '18 July 1940')], 'footnotes': [('^', '


')], 'main_7': [ ('(Against the fall of night\?)
', '\\1

') ], 'main_13': [ ('(ality.*is fraction )', '\\1'), ('in the form.*.*2;(.* that the equation )', 'in the form (a/b)2;\\1'), ('is fraction .*, where.*are integers', 'is a fraction (a/b), where ' + 'a and b are integers'), ('the equation \(B\)', 'the equation

(B)'), ('b([a-z])', 'b \\1'), ('(

\(B\) a2=2b2

)', '
'), # Missing square-root glyphs ('(irrationality. of )2', u'\\1\u221a2'), ('(2 is irrational)', u'\u221a\\1'), ('(2 cannot be expressed)', u'\u221a\\1') ], 'main_14': [ ('3,5,11,13,17', u'\u221a3,\u221a5,\u221a11,\u221a13,\u221a17'), ('3', u'3\u221a'), ('(314159265)', '\\1') ], 'main_18': [ ('profoundly15', 'profoundly' '15') ] } def do_subs(text, subs): for pat, repl in subs: text = re.sub(pat, repl, text) return text class OutputWriter: def __init__(self): self.bits = [] sys.stdout.write(OUTPUT_PREAMBLE) def emit_block(self): if len(self.bits) == 0: return text = ''.join(self.bits) self.bits = [] text = do_subs(text, OUTPUT_LOCAL.get(self.block_name, [])) text = do_subs(text, OUTPUT_GLOBAL) print text.encode('utf-8') def block(self, name): self.emit_block() self.block_name = name def data(self, text): self.bits.append(text) def end(self): self.emit_block() sys.stdout.write(OUTPUT_POSTAMBLE) ######################################################################## # Entry point ######################################################################## if __name__ == '__main__': runFilters(sys.stdin)