#!/usr/bin/perl -w # slirc.pl: local Slack IRC gateway # Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Daniel Beer # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # # To run, create a configuration file with the following content: # # slack_token= # password= # port= # # Then run ./slirc.pl . Connect to the chosen port on # with your chosen password. # # Updated 2018-05-15 to add support for listening on Unix domain sockets # by Colin Watson . To use this feature # with an IRC client supporting Unix domain connections, add the line # "unix_socket=" to the config file. # # Updated 2019-02-18: # - HTML entities are now escaped/unescaped properly # - Channel IDs are translated with the correct sigil # - You can now close accumulated group chats. This is mapped to # JOIN/PART (the behaviour of JOIN/PART for public channels is # unaffected) # - IRC-side PING checks are now more lenient, to work around bugs in # some IRC clients # - Added X commands for debug dumps and dynamically switching protocol # debug on/off # # Updated 2019-05-08 based on changes from Neia Finch to improve # support for bots. use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use AnyEvent; use AnyEvent::HTTP; use AnyEvent::Socket; use AnyEvent::WebSocket::Client; use URI::Encode qw(uri_encode); use Data::Dumper; use Time::localtime; use Digest::SHA qw(sha256); use JSON; my $VERSION = "20190225"; my $start_time = time(); my %config; $| = 1; ######################################################################## # Global chat state ######################################################################## my $connected; # Is the RTM connection ready? my $self_id; # Slack ID of our own user, or undef my %channels; # Slack ID -> channel hash ref my %channels_by_name; # irc_lcase -> channel hash ref # Properties: # - Id: Slack ID # - Members: Slack ID set # - Name: text (IRC name) # - Topic: text my %users; # Slack ID -> user hash ref my %users_by_name; # irc_lcase -> user hash ref my %users_by_dmid; # Slack DMID -> user hash ref # Properties: # - Id: Slack ID # - Name: text (IRC name) # - Channels: Slack ID set # - Realname: text # - DMId: DM session ID (may be undefined, or blank if open in progress) # - TxQueue: messages awaiting transmission if no DM open ######################################################################## # IRC names ######################################################################## # Canonicalize an IRC name sub irc_lcase { my $name = lc(shift); $name =~ s/\[/{/g; $name =~ s/]/}/g; $name =~ s/\|/\\/g; $name =~ s/\^/~/g; return $name; } # Compare two names sub irc_eq { my ($a, $b) = @_; return irc_lcase($a) eq irc_lcase($b); } # Choose an unused valid name with reference to the hash sub irc_pick_name { my ($name, $hash) = @_; $name =~ s/[#,<>!\0\r\n: ]/_/g; return $name if length($name) && irc_lcase($name) ne "x" && !defined($hash->{irc_lcase($name)}); my $i = 1; for (;;) { my $prop = "$name$i"; return $prop unless defined($hash->{irc_lcase($prop)}); $i++; } } ######################################################################## # IRC server ######################################################################## # Forward decls to RTM subsystem sub rtm_send; sub rtm_send_to_user; sub rtm_apicall; sub rtm_download; sub rtm_destroy; sub rtm_update_join; sub rtm_update_part; my %irc_clients; sub irc_send_args { my ($c, $source, $short, $long) = @_; $source =~ s/[\t\r\n\0 ]//g; $source =~ s/^://g; my @arg = (":$source"); for my $a (@$short) { $a =~ s/[\t\r\n\0 ]//g; $a =~ s/^://g; utf8::encode($a); $a = "*" unless length($a); push @arg, $a; } if (defined($long)) { $long =~ s/[\r\n\0]/ /g; utf8::encode($long); push @arg, ":$long"; } my $line = join(' ', @arg); print "IRC $c->{Handle} SEND: $line\n" if $config{debug_dump}; $c->{Handle}->push_write("$line\r\n"); } sub irc_send_num { my ($c, $num, $short, $long) = @_; my $dst = $c->{Nick}; $dst = "*" unless defined($c->{Nick}); irc_send_args $c, "localhost", [sprintf("%03d", $num), $dst, @$short], $long; } sub irc_send_from { my ($c, $uid, $short, $long) = @_; my $user = $users{$uid}; my $nick = $uid eq $self_id ? $c->{Nick} : $user->{Name}; irc_send_args $c, "$nick!$user->{Id}\@localhost", $short, $long; } sub irc_disconnect { my ($c, $msg) = @_; print "IRC $c->{Handle} DISCONNECT: $msg\n"; delete $irc_clients{$c->{Handle}}; $c->{Handle}->destroy; } sub irc_disconnect_all { print "IRC: disconnect all\n"; foreach my $k (keys %irc_clients) { $irc_clients{$k}->{Handle}->destroy; } %irc_clients = (); } sub irc_send_names { my ($c, $chan) = @_; my $i = 0; my @ulist = keys %{$chan->{Members}}; while ($i < @ulist) { my $n = @ulist - $i; $n = 8 if $n > 8; my $chunk = join(' ', map { $_ eq $self_id ? $c->{Nick} : $users{$_}->{Name} } @ulist[$i .. ($i + $n - 1)]); irc_send_num $c, 353, ['@', "#$chan->{Name}"], $chunk; $i += $n; } irc_send_num $c, 366, ["#$chan->{Name}"], "End of /NAMES list"; } sub irc_server_notice { my ($c, $msg) = @_; my $nick = $c->{Nick}; $nick = "*" unless defined($nick); irc_send_args $c, "localhost", ["NOTICE", $nick], $msg; } sub irc_gateway_notice { my ($c, $msg) = @_; my $nick = $c->{Nick}; $nick = "*" unless defined($nick); irc_send_args $c, "X!X\@localhost", ["NOTICE", $nick], $msg; } sub irc_notify_away { my $c = shift; my $user = $users{$self_id}; my ($num, $msg); if ($user->{Presence} eq 'away') { $num = 306; $msg = "You have been marked as being away"; } else { $num = 305; $msg = "You are no longer marked as being away"; } irc_send_num $c, $num, [], $msg if $c->{Ready}; } sub irc_broadcast_away { for my $k (keys %irc_clients) { my $c = $irc_clients{$k}; irc_notify_away $c if $c->{Ready}; } } sub irc_send_motd { my $c = shift; my @banner = ( ' _ _ _', ' ___| (_)_ __ ___ _ __ | |', '/ __| | | \'__/ __| | \'_ \| |', '\__ \ | | | | (__ _| |_) | |', '|___/_|_|_| \___(_) .__/|_|', ' |_|', 'slirc.pl, Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Daniel Beer ' ); for my $x (@banner) { irc_send_num $c, 372, [], $x; } irc_send_num $c, 376, [], "End of /MOTD command"; } sub irc_check_welcome { my $c = shift; if (defined $c->{Nick} && defined $c->{User} && (!$config{password} || defined $c->{Password}) && !$c->{Authed}) { if (!$config{password} || sha256($c->{Password}) eq sha256($config{password})) { $c->{Authed} = 1; } else { irc_server_notice $c, "Incorrect password"; irc_disconnect $c, "Incorrect password"; return; } } return unless $c->{Authed} && !$c->{Ready} && $connected; my $u = $users_by_name{irc_lcase($c->{Nick})}; if (defined($u) && ($u->{Id} ne $self_id)) { irc_server_notice $c, "Nick already in use"; irc_disconnect $c, "Nick already in use"; return; } my $lt = localtime($start_time); irc_send_num $c, 001, [], "slirc.pl IRC-to-Slack gateway"; irc_send_num $c, 002, [], "This is slirc.pl version $VERSION"; irc_send_num $c, 003, [], "Server started " . ctime($start_time); irc_send_motd $c; $c->{Ready} = 1; my $user = $users{$self_id}; for my $k (keys %{$user->{Channels}}) { my $chan = $channels{$k}; irc_send_from $c, $self_id, ["JOIN", "#$chan->{Name}"]; irc_send_num $c, 332, ["#$chan->{Name}"], $chan->{"Topic"}; irc_send_names $c, $chan; } irc_notify_away $c; } sub irc_check_welcome_all { foreach my $k (keys %irc_clients) { irc_check_welcome $irc_clients{$k}; } } sub irc_broadcast_nick { my ($id, $newname) = @_; return if $id eq $self_id; for my $k (keys %irc_clients) { my $c = $irc_clients{$k}; irc_send_from $c, $id, ["NICK", $newname] if $c->{Ready}; } } sub irc_broadcast_join { my ($uid, $chid) = @_; my $chan = $channels{$chid}; for my $k (keys %irc_clients) { my $c = $irc_clients{$k}; next unless $c->{Ready}; if ($uid eq $self_id) { irc_send_from $c, $self_id, ["JOIN", "#$chan->{Name}"]; irc_send_num $c, 332, ["#$chan->{Name}"], $chan->{Topic}; irc_send_names $c, $chan; } else { irc_send_from $c, $uid, ["JOIN", "#$chan->{Name}"]; } } } sub irc_broadcast_part { my ($uid, $chid) = @_; my $chan = $channels{$chid}; for my $k (keys %irc_clients) { my $c = $irc_clients{$k}; next unless $c->{Ready}; irc_send_from $c, $uid, ["PART", "#$chan->{Name}"]; } } sub irc_send_who { my ($c, $chname, $u) = @_; my $user = $users{$u}; my $nick = $u eq $self_id ? $c->{Nick} : $user->{Name}; my $here = $user->{Presence} eq 'away' ? 'G' : 'H'; irc_send_num $c, 352, [$chname, $user->{Id}, "localhost", "localhost", $nick, $here], "0 $user->{Realname}"; } sub irc_send_whois { my ($c, $uid) = @_; my $u = $users{$uid}; my $nick = $uid eq $self_id ? $c->{Nick} : $u->{Name}; irc_send_num $c, 311, [$nick, $u->{Id}, "localhost", "*"], $u->{Realname}; irc_send_num $c, 312, [$nick, "localhost"], "slirc.pl"; my $clist = join(' ', map { "#" . $channels{$_}->{Name} } keys %{$u->{Channels}}); irc_send_num $c, 319, [$nick], $clist; irc_send_num $c, 301, [$nick], "away" if $u->{Presence} eq 'away'; } sub irc_invite_or_kick { my ($c, $action, $name, $chname) = @_; $chname =~ s/^#//; my $chan = $channels_by_name{irc_lcase($chname)}; unless (defined $chan) { irc_send_num $c, 401, ["#$chname"], "No such nick/channel"; return; } my $what = $chan->{Type} eq "C" ? "channels" : "groups"; foreach (split(/,/, $name)) { my $user = $users_by_name{irc_lcase($_)}; if (defined $user) { rtm_apicall "$what.$action", { user => $user->{Id}, channel => $chan->{Id} }; } else { irc_send_num $c, 401, [$user], "No such nick/channel"; } } } my %gateway_command = ( "debug_dump_state" => sub { my $c = shift; irc_gateway_notice $c, "Dumping debug state on stdout"; print Dumper({ "connected" => $connected, "self_id", => $self_id, "%channels" => \%channels, "%channels_by_name" => \%channels_by_name, "users" => \%users, "users_by_name" => \%users_by_name, "users_by_dmid" => \%users_by_dmid }); }, "debug_dump" => sub { my ($c, $arg) = @_; $config{debug_dump} = $arg ? 1 : 0 if defined $arg; irc_gateway_notice $c, "Protocol debug is " . ($config{debug_dump} ? "on" : "off"); }, "newgroup" => sub { my ($c, $name) = @_; unless (defined($name)) { irc_gateway_notice $c, "Syntax: newgroup "; return; } $name =~ s/^#//; irc_gateway_notice $c, "Creating group $name"; rtm_apicall "groups.create", { name => $name }; }, "newchan" => sub { my ($c, $name) = @_; unless (defined($name)) { irc_gateway_notice $c, "Syntax: newchan "; return; } $name =~ s/^#//; irc_gateway_notice $c, "Creating channel $name"; rtm_apicall "channels.create", { name => $name }; }, "archive" => sub{ my ($c, $name) = @_; unless (defined($name)) { irc_gateway_notice $c, "Syntax: archive "; return; } $name =~ s/^#//; my $g = $channels_by_name{irc_lcase($name)}; my $what = $g->{Type} eq "C" ? "channels" : "groups"; if (defined $g) { irc_gateway_notice $c, "Archiving $name"; rtm_apicall "$what.archive", { channel => $g->{Id} }; } else { irc_gateway_notice $c, "No such channel: $name"; } }, "close" => sub{ my ($c, $name) = @_; unless (defined($name)) { irc_gateway_notice $c, "Syntax: close "; return; } $name =~ s/^#//; my $g = $channels_by_name{irc_lcase($name)}; my $what = $g->{Type} eq "C" ? "channels" : "groups"; if (defined $g) { irc_gateway_notice $c, "Closing $name"; rtm_apicall "$what.close", { channel => $g->{Id} }; } else { irc_gateway_notice $c, "No such channel: $name"; } }, "cat" => sub { my ($c, $fileid) = @_; unless (defined($fileid)) { irc_gateway_notice $c, "Syntax: cat "; return; } rtm_apicall "files.info", { file => $fileid }, sub { my $data = shift; return unless defined $data; my $body = $data->{content}; if (length($body) > 65536) { irc_gateway_notice $c, "File too big"; } else { irc_gateway_notice $c, "---- BEGIN $fileid ----"; foreach (split(/\n/, $body)) { irc_gateway_notice $c, "$_"; } irc_gateway_notice $c, "---- END $fileid ----"; } }; }, "disconnect" => sub { my ($c) = @_; irc_gateway_notice $c, "Disconnecting"; rtm_destroy "User disconnection request"; }, "delim" => sub { my ($c, $nick) = @_; unless (defined($nick)) { irc_gateway_notice $c, "Syntax: delim "; return; } my $user; if ($nick eq $c->{Nick}) { $user = $users{$self_id}; } else { $user = $users_by_name{irc_lcase($nick)}; $user = undef if $user->{Id} eq $self_id; } unless (defined($user)) { irc_gateway_notice $c, "No such nick: $nick"; return; } unless (defined $user->{DMId}) { irc_gateway_notice $c, "DM already closed for $nick"; return; } irc_gateway_notice $c, "Closing DM for $nick"; rtm_apicall "im.close", { channel => $user->{DMId} }; }, ); my %irc_command = ( "NICK" => sub { my ($c, $newnick) = @_; return unless defined($newnick); if (defined $c->{Nick}) { my $u = $users_by_name{irc_lcase($newnick)}; if (defined($u) && ($u->{Id} ne $self_id)) { irc_send_num $c, 433, [$newnick], "Nickname is already in use"; } else { irc_send_from $c, $self_id, ["NICK"], $newnick; $c->{Nick} = $newnick; } } else { $c->{Nick} = $newnick; irc_check_welcome $c; } }, "PASS" => sub { my ($c, $pass) = @_; $c->{Password} = $pass; irc_check_welcome $c; }, "USER" => sub { my ($c, @arg) = @_; return unless scalar(@arg) >= 4; $c->{User} = $arg[0]; $c->{Realname} = $arg[3]; irc_check_welcome $c; }, "AWAY" => sub { my ($c, $msg) = @_; return unless $c->{Ready}; my $presence = defined $msg ? "away" : "auto"; rtm_apicall "users.setPresence", { presence => $presence }; }, "PING" => sub { my ($c, $reply) = @_; $reply = "" unless defined($reply); irc_send_args $c, "localhost", ["PONG"], $reply; }, "INVITE" => sub { my ($c, $name, $chname) = @_; return unless $c->{Ready}; irc_invite_or_kick $c, "invite", $name, $chname; }, "KICK" => sub { my ($c, $name, $chname) = @_; return unless $c->{Ready}; irc_invite_or_kick $c, "kick", $name, $chname; }, "JOIN" => sub { my ($c, $name) = @_; return unless $c->{Ready}; return unless defined($name); foreach my $n (split(/,/, $name)) { $n =~ s/^#//; my $chan = $channels_by_name{irc_lcase($n)}; if (not defined $chan) { irc_send_num $c, 401, ["#$n"], "No such nick/channel"; } elsif ($chan->{Members}->{$self_id}) { # Already joined } elsif ($chan->{Type} eq "G") { rtm_apicall "groups.open", { channel => $chan->{Id} }; irc_broadcast_join $self_id, $chan->{Id} if rtm_update_join $self_id, $chan->{Id}; } else { rtm_apicall "channels.join", { channel => $chan->{Id} }; } } }, "MODE" => sub { my ($c, $arg, $what) = @_; return unless $c->{Ready}; return unless defined($arg); $what = $what || ""; if ($arg eq $c->{Nick}) { irc_send_num $c, 221, [], "+i"; } elsif ($arg =~ /^#(.*)$/) { my $chan = $channels_by_name{$1}; if (defined $chan) { if ($what eq "b") { irc_send_num $c, 368, ["#$chan->{Name}"], "End of channel ban list"; } else { irc_send_num $c, 324, ["#$chan->{Name}", ($chan->{Type} eq "G" ? "+ip" : "+p")]; irc_send_num $c, 329, ["#$chan->{Name}", $start_time]; } } else { irc_send_num $c, 403, [$arg], "No such channel"; } } else { irc_send_num $c, 403, [$arg], "No such channel"; } }, "TOPIC" => sub { my ($c, $name, $topic) = @_; return unless defined($name) && defined($topic); return unless $c->{Ready}; $name =~ s/^#//; my $chan = $channels_by_name{irc_lcase($name)}; unless (defined($chan)) { irc_send_num $c, 401, ["#$name"], "No such nick/channel"; return; } my $what = $chan->{Type} eq "C" ? "channels" : "groups"; rtm_apicall "$what.setTopic", { channel => $chan->{Id}, topic => $topic }; }, "PART" => sub { my ($c, $name) = @_; return unless $c->{Ready}; return unless defined($name); foreach my $n (split(/,/, $name)) { $n =~ s/^#//; my $chan = $channels_by_name{irc_lcase($n)}; if (not defined($chan)) { irc_send_num $c, 401, ["#$n"], "No such nick/channel"; } elsif ($chan->{Members}->{$self_id}) { if ($chan->{Type} eq "G") { rtm_apicall "groups.close", { channel => $chan->{Id} }; irc_broadcast_part $self_id, $chan->{Id} if rtm_update_part $self_id, $chan->{Id}; } else { rtm_apicall "channels.leave", { channel => $chan->{Id} }; } } } }, "LIST" => sub { my ($c, @arg) = @_; return unless $c->{Ready}; irc_send_num $c, 321, ["Channel"], "Users Name"; foreach my $chid (keys %channels) { my $chan = $channels{$chid}; my $n = keys %{$chan->{Members}}; irc_send_num $c, 322, ["#$chan->{Name}", $n], $chan->{Topic}; } irc_send_num $c, 323, [], "End of /LIST"; }, "WHOIS" => sub { my ($c, $nicklist) = @_; return unless $c->{Ready}; return unless defined($nicklist); my $some = 0; for my $nick (split(/,/, $nicklist)) { if (irc_eq($nick, "x")) { irc_send_num $c, 311, ["X", "X", "localhost", "*"], "Gateway service"; irc_send_num $c, 312, ["X", "localhost"], "slirc.pl"; } elsif (irc_eq($nick, $c->{Nick})) { irc_send_whois $c, $self_id; } else { my $user; if ($nick =~ /^.*!([^@]*)/) { $user = $users{$1}; } else { $user = $users_by_name{irc_lcase($nick)}; $user = undef if defined($user) && $user->{Id} eq $self_id; } if (defined($user)) { irc_send_whois $c, $user->{Id}; } else { irc_send_num $c, 401, [$nick], "No such nick/channel"; } } } irc_send_num $c, 318, [$nicklist], "End of /WHOIS list"; }, "NAMES" => sub { my ($c, $name) = @_; return unless $c->{Ready}; return unless defined($name); my $n = $name; $n =~ s/^#//; my $chan = $channels_by_name{irc_lcase($n)}; unless (defined($chan)) { irc_send_num $c, 401, [$name], "No such nick/channel"; return; } irc_send_names $c, $chan; }, "WHO" => sub { my ($c, $name) = @_; return unless $c->{Ready}; if (!defined($name)) { foreach my $u (keys %users) { irc_send_who $c, "*", $u; } irc_send_num $c, 352, ["*", "X", "localhost", "localhost", "X", "H"], "0 Gateway service"; } elsif (irc_eq($name, "X")) { irc_send_num $c, 352, ["*", "X", "localhost", "localhost", "X", "H"], "0 Gateway service"; } elsif ($name =~ /^.*!([^@]*)/) { unless (exists $users{$1}) { irc_send_num $c, 401, [$name], "No such nick/channel"; return; } irc_send_who $c, $name, $1; } elsif ($name =~ /^#(.*)$/) { my $chan = $channels_by_name{irc_lcase($1)}; unless (defined($chan)) { irc_send_num $c, 401, [$name], "No such nick/channel"; return; } foreach my $u (keys %{$chan->{Members}}) { irc_send_who $c, "#$chan->{Name}", $u; } } else { my $user = $users_by_name{irc_lcase($name)}; unless (defined($user)) { irc_send_num $c, 401, [$name], "No such nick/channel"; return; } irc_send_who $c, $name, $self_id; } $name = "*" unless defined($name); irc_send_num $c, 315, [$name], "End of /WHO list"; }, "MOTD" => sub { my $c = shift; irc_send_motd $c; }, "PRIVMSG" => sub { my ($c, $namelist, $msg) = @_; return unless $c->{Ready}; return unless defined($namelist) && defined($msg); $msg =~ s/&/&/g; $msg =~ s//>/g; $msg =~ s/"/"/g; $msg =~ s/<@([^>]+)>/'<@' . irc_name_to_id($c, $1) . '>'/eg; $msg =~ s/<#([^>]+)>/'<#' . irc_chan_to_id($c, $1) . '>'/eg; foreach my $name (split(/,/, $namelist)) { if (irc_eq($name, "X")) { my @args = split(/ */, $msg); my $cmd = shift @args; my $handler = $gateway_command{lc($cmd)}; if (defined $handler) { $handler->($c, @args); } else { irc_gateway_notice $c, "Unknown command: $cmd"; } } elsif ($name =~ /^#(.*)$/) { my $chan = $channels_by_name{irc_lcase($1)}; if (defined $chan) { rtm_send { type => "message", channel => $chan->{Id}, text => $msg }; } else { irc_send_num $c, 401, [$name], "No such nick/channel"; } } elsif (irc_eq($name, $c->{Nick})) { rtm_send_to_user $self_id, $msg; } else { my $user = $users_by_name{irc_lcase($name)}; if (defined $user) { rtm_send_to_user $user->{Id}, $msg; } else { irc_send_num $c, 401, [$name], "No such nick/channel"; } } } }, "PONG" => sub { shift->{PingCount} = 0; }, "QUIT" => sub { my $c = shift; irc_disconnect $c, "QUIT"; }, ); sub irc_broadcast_notice { my ($msg) = @_; print "NOTICE: $msg\n"; foreach my $k (keys %irc_clients) { my $c = $irc_clients{$k}; irc_server_notice $c, $msg if $c->{Authed}; } } sub irc_id_to_name { my ($c, $id) = @_; return $c->{Nick} if $id eq $self_id; my $u = $users{$id}; return $u->{Name} if defined($u); return $id; } sub irc_name_to_id { my ($c, $name) = @_; return $self_id if $name eq $c->{Nick}; my $u = $users_by_name{$name}; return $u->{Id} if defined($u); return $name; } sub irc_id_to_chan { my ($c, $id) = @_; my $ch = $channels{$id}; return $ch->{Name} if defined ($ch); return $id; } sub irc_chan_to_id { my ($c, $chan) = @_; my $ch = $channels_by_name{$chan}; return $ch->{Id} if defined($ch); return $chan; } sub irc_do_message { my ($srcid, $dstname, $subtype, $text) = @_; $text =~ s/\002//g; my $prefix = ""; $prefix = "\002[$subtype]\002 " if defined($subtype); for my $k (keys %irc_clients) { my $c = $irc_clients{$k}; next unless $c->{Ready}; my $translate = $text; $translate =~ s/<@([^>]+)>/'<@' . irc_id_to_name($c, $1) . '>'/eg; $translate =~ s/<#([^>]+)>/'<#' . irc_id_to_chan($c, $1) . '>'/eg; $translate =~ s/<//g; $translate =~ s/"/"/g; $translate =~ s/&/&/g; for my $line (split(/\n/, $translate)) { irc_send_from $c, $srcid, ["PRIVMSG", $dstname], "$prefix$line"; } } } sub irc_privmsg { my ($id, $subtype, $msg) = @_; irc_do_message $id, $users{$id}->{Name}, $subtype, $msg; } sub irc_chanmsg { my ($id, $subtype, $chid, $msg) = @_; irc_do_message $id, "#$channels{$chid}->{Name}", $subtype, $msg; } sub irc_topic_change { my ($id, $chid) = @_; my $chan = $channels{$chid}; foreach my $k (keys %irc_clients) { my $c = $irc_clients{$k}; irc_send_from $c, $id, ["TOPIC", "#$chan->{Name}"], $chan->{Topic} if $c->{Ready}; } } sub irc_ping { my $c = shift; if (++$c->{PingCount} >= 3) { irc_disconnect $c, "Ping timeout"; return; } irc_send_args $c, "localhost", ["PING"], time(); $c->{PingTimer} = AnyEvent->timer(after => 60, cb => sub { irc_ping($c); }); } sub irc_line { my ($c, $fh, $line, $eol) = @_; print "IRC $fh RECV: $line\n" if $config{debug_dump}; utf8::decode($line); my $smallargs = $line; my $bigarg = undef; if ($line =~ /^(.*?) :(.*)$/) { $smallargs = $1; $bigarg = $2; } my @words = split / */, $smallargs; push @words, $bigarg if defined($bigarg); if (scalar(@words)) { my $cmd = shift @words; my $handler = $irc_command{uc($cmd)}; $handler->($c, @words) if (defined($handler)); } $fh->push_read(line => sub { irc_line($c, @_) }); } sub irc_listen { print "Start IRC listener\n"; my $listen_host = $config{unix_socket} ? "unix/" : ""; tcp_server $listen_host, ($config{unix_socket} || $config{port} || 6667), sub { my ($fd, $host, $port) = @_; my $fh; $fh = new AnyEvent::Handle fh => $fd, on_error => sub { my ($fh, $fatal, $msg) = @_; irc_disconnect $irc_clients{$fh}, "error: $msg"; }, on_eof => sub { my $fh = shift; irc_disconnect $irc_clients{$fh}, "EOF"; }; print "IRC $fh Got connection from $host:$port\n"; my $c = { Handle => $fh }; $c->{PingTimer} = AnyEvent->timer(after => 30, cb => sub { irc_ping $c; }); $c->{PingCount} = 0; $irc_clients{$fh} = $c; $fh->push_read(line => sub { irc_line($c, @_) }); irc_server_notice $c, "Waiting for RTM connection" if not $connected; }, sub { chmod 0600, $config{unix_socket} if $config{unix_socket}; } } ######################################################################## # RTM client ######################################################################## my $rtm_client; my $rtm_con; my $rtm_msg_id = 1; my %rtm_apicall_handles; my $rtm_cooldown_timer; my %rtm_mark_queue; my $rtm_mark_timer; my $rtm_ping_timer; my $rtm_ping_count; sub rtm_apicall { my ($method, $args, $cb) = @_; my @encode; print "RTM APICALL $method ", Dumper($args) if $config{debug_dump}; $args->{token} = $config{slack_token}; foreach my $k (keys %$args) { my $ek = uri_encode($k); my $ev = uri_encode($args->{$k}); push @encode, "$ek=$ev"; } my $x; $x = http_post "https://slack.com/api/$method", join('&', @encode), headers => { "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, sub { my ($body, $hdr) = @_; delete $rtm_apicall_handles{$x}; unless ($hdr->{Status} =~ /^2/) { irc_broadcast_notice "API HTTP error: $method: $hdr->{Status} $hdr->{Reason}"; $cb->(undef) if defined($cb); return; } my $data = decode_json $body; print "RTM REPLY $method ", Dumper($data) if $config{debug_dump}; unless ($data->{ok}) { irc_broadcast_notice "API error: $data->{error}"; $cb->(undef) if defined($cb); return; } $cb->($data) if defined($cb); }; $rtm_apicall_handles{$x} = 1; } sub rtm_send { my $frame = shift; $frame->{id} = $rtm_msg_id++; print "RTM SEND: ", Dumper($frame) if $config{debug_dump}; $rtm_con->send(encode_json $frame); } sub rtm_update_join { my ($uid, $chid) = @_; my $chan = $channels{$chid}; my $user = $users{$uid}; if (!$chan->{Members}->{$uid}) { $chan->{Members}->{$uid} = 1; $user->{Channels}->{$chid} = 1; return 1; } return undef; } sub rtm_update_part { my ($uid, $chid) = @_; my $chan = $channels{$chid}; my $user = $users{$uid}; if ($chan->{Members}->{$uid}) { delete $channels{$chid}->{Members}->{$uid}; delete $users{$uid}->{Channels}->{$chid}; return 1; } return undef; } sub rtm_update_user { my $c = shift; my $user; if (exists $users{$c->{id}}) { $user = $users{$c->{id}}; my $oldname = $user->{Name}; delete $users_by_name{irc_lcase($oldname)}; my $newname = irc_pick_name($c->{name}, \%users_by_name); $user->{Realname} = $c->{real_name} // $c->{name}; irc_broadcast_nick $c->{id}, $newname if $oldname ne $newname; $user->{Name} = $newname; $user->{Presence} = $c->{presence} // 'active'; $users_by_name{$newname} = $user; } else { my $name = irc_pick_name($c->{name}, \%users_by_name); $user = { Id => $c->{id}, Name => $name, Channels => {}, Realname => $c->{real_name} // $c->{name}, TxQueue => [], Presence => $c->{presence} // 'active' }; $users{$c->{id}} = $user; $users_by_name{$name} = $user; } $user->{Realname} = "" unless defined($user->{Realname}); } sub rtm_record_unknown_uid { my $uid = shift; unless (exists $users{$uid}) { # Temporary name my $name = irc_pick_name($uid, \%users_by_name); my $u = { Id => $uid, Name => $name, Channels => {}, Realname => "", TxQueue => [] }; $users{$uid} = $u; $users_by_name{irc_lcase($name)} = $u; rtm_apicall "users.info", { user => $uid }, sub { my $data = shift; rtm_update_user $data->{user} if defined $data; }; } } sub rtm_update_channel { my ($type, $c) = @_; my $id = $c->{id}; my $mhash = {}; my $name = $c->{name}; $name = "+$name" if $type eq "G"; # Cross-reference users/channels foreach my $u (@{$c->{members}}) { rtm_record_unknown_uid $u; # Filter ourselves out of the membership list if this is a # closed group chat. next if $type eq 'G' && $u eq $self_id && !$c->{is_open}; $mhash->{$u} = 1; $users{$u}->{Channels}->{$id} = 1; } if (exists $channels{$id}) { my $chan = $channels{$id}; $chan->{Members} = $mhash; $chan->{Topic} = $c->{topic}->{value}; $chan->{Type} = $type; } else { my $name = irc_pick_name($name, \%channels_by_name); my $chan = { Id => $c->{id}, Members => $mhash, Name => $name, Type => $type, Topic => $c->{topic}->{value} }; $channels{$c->{id}} = $chan; $channels_by_name{irc_lcase($name)} = $chan; } } sub rtm_delete_channel { my $chid = shift; my $chan = $channels{$chid}; return unless defined $chan; foreach ($chan->{Members}) { my $user = $users{$_}; delete $user->{Channels}->{$chid}; } delete $channels_by_name{irc_lcase($chan->{Name})}; delete $channels{$chid}; } sub rtm_mark_channel { my ($chid, $ts) = @_; $rtm_mark_queue{$chid} = $ts; unless (defined $rtm_mark_timer) { $rtm_mark_timer = AnyEvent->timer(after => 5, cb => sub { for my $chid (keys %rtm_mark_queue ) { rtm_apicall "channels.mark", { channel => $chid, ts => $rtm_mark_queue{$chid} }; } %rtm_mark_queue = (); undef $rtm_mark_timer; }); } } my %rtm_command = ( "presence_change" => sub { my $msg = shift; my $user = $users{$msg->{user}}; if (defined $user) { my $old = $user->{Presence}; $user->{Presence} = $msg->{presence} if defined $user; irc_broadcast_away if $msg->{user} eq $self_id and $old ne $msg->{presence}; } }, "manual_presence_change" => sub { my $msg = shift; my $user = $users{$self_id}; my $old = $user->{Presence}; $user->{Presence} = $msg->{presence}; irc_broadcast_away if $old ne $msg->{presence}; }, "im_open" => sub { my $msg = shift; rtm_record_unknown_uid $msg->{user}; my $u = $users{$msg->{user}}; $u->{DMId} = $msg->{channel}; $users_by_dmid{$msg->{channel}} = $u; foreach my $msg (@{$u->{TxQueue}}) { rtm_send { type => "message", channel => $u->{DMId}, text => $msg }; } $u->{TxQueue} = []; }, "im_close" => sub { my $msg = shift; my $u = $users_by_dmid{$msg->{channel}}; return unless defined($u); delete $u->{DMId}; delete $users_by_dmid{$msg->{channel}}; }, "group_joined" => sub { my $msg = shift; rtm_update_channel "G", $msg->{channel}; irc_broadcast_join $self_id, $msg->{channel}->{id}; }, "group_left" => sub { my $msg = shift; irc_broadcast_part $self_id, $msg->{channel} if rtm_update_part $self_id, $msg->{channel}; }, "group_archive" => sub { my $msg = shift; irc_broadcast_part $self_id, $msg->{channel} if rtm_update_part $self_id, $msg->{channel}; rtm_delete_channel $msg->{channel}; }, "channel_joined" => sub { my $msg = shift; rtm_update_channel "C", $msg->{channel}; irc_broadcast_join $self_id, $msg->{channel}->{id}; }, "channel_left" => sub { my $msg = shift; irc_broadcast_part $self_id, $msg->{channel} if rtm_update_part $self_id, $msg->{channel}; }, "channel_archive" => sub { my $msg = shift; irc_broadcast_part $self_id, $msg->{channel} if rtm_update_part $self_id, $msg->{channel}; rtm_delete_channel $msg->{channel}; }, "member_joined_channel" => sub { my $msg = shift; rtm_record_unknown_uid $msg->{user}; irc_broadcast_join $msg->{user}, $msg->{channel} if rtm_update_join($msg->{user}, $msg->{channel}); }, "member_left_channel" => sub { my $msg = shift; irc_broadcast_part $msg->{user}, $msg->{channel} if rtm_update_part($msg->{user}, $msg->{channel}); }, "pong" => sub { $rtm_ping_count = 0; }, "message" => sub { my $msg = shift; my $chan = $channels{$msg->{channel}}; my $subtype = $msg->{subtype} || ""; my $uid = $msg->{user} || $msg->{comment}->{user} || $msg->{bot_id}; my $text = $msg->{text} // ''; if (defined($msg->{attachments})) { my $attext = join '\n', map { ($_->{title} or "") . " " . ($_->{text} or "") . " " . ($_->{title_link} or "") } @{$msg->{attachments}}; $text .= "\n" unless length($text); $text .= $attext; } if (defined($chan)) { if ($subtype eq "channel_topic" or $subtype eq "group_topic") { $chan->{Topic} = $msg->{topic}; irc_topic_change $uid, $chan->{Id}; } else { irc_chanmsg $uid, $msg->{subtype}, $chan->{Id}, $text; } rtm_mark_channel $chan->{Id}, $msg->{ts}; } else { irc_privmsg $uid, $msg->{subtype}, $text; } if ($subtype eq "file_share") { my $fid = $msg->{file}->{id}; rtm_apicall "files.info", { file => $fid }, sub { my $data = shift; return unless defined $data; my $body = $data->{content}; return unless length($body) <= 65536; if (defined $chan) { irc_chanmsg $uid, ">$fid", $chan->{Id}, $body; } else { irc_privmsg $uid, ">$fid", $body; } }; } }, ); sub rtm_send_to_user { my ($id, $msg) = @_; my $u = $users{$id}; if (defined($u->{DMId}) && length($u->{DMId})) { rtm_send { type => "message", channel => $u->{DMId}, text => $msg }; return; } push @{$u->{TxQueue}}, $msg; if (!defined($u->{DMId})) { rtm_apicall "im.open", { user => $u->{Id} }, sub { my $result = shift; unless (defined $result) { delete $u->{DMId}; foreach my $m (@{$u->{TxQueue}}) { irc_broadcast_notice "Failed to send to $u->{Name}: $m"; } $u->{TxQueue} = []; } }; $u->{DMId} = ""; } } sub rtm_start; sub rtm_cooldown { return if defined($rtm_cooldown_timer); print "Waiting before reinitiating RTM\n"; $rtm_cooldown_timer = AnyEvent->timer(after => 5, cb => sub { undef $rtm_cooldown_timer; rtm_start; }); }; sub rtm_destroy { my $msg = shift; return unless defined($rtm_con); irc_broadcast_notice $msg; $connected = 0; undef $self_id; %channels = (); %channels_by_name = (); %users = (); %users_by_name = (); %users_by_dmid = (); %rtm_apicall_handles = (); # cancel outstanding requests %rtm_mark_queue = (); undef $rtm_mark_timer; undef $rtm_ping_timer; $rtm_con->close; undef $rtm_con; undef $rtm_client; irc_disconnect_all; rtm_cooldown; } sub rtm_ping { if (++$rtm_ping_count >= 2) { rtm_destroy "RTM ping timeout"; return; } rtm_send { type => "ping" }; $rtm_ping_timer = AnyEvent->timer(after => 60, cb => \&rtm_ping); } sub rtm_start_ws { my $url = shift; return if defined($rtm_client); $rtm_client = AnyEvent::WebSocket::Client->new; print "WSS URL: $url\n" if $config{debug_dump}; $rtm_client->connect($url)->cb(sub { $rtm_con = eval { shift->recv; }; if ($@) { irc_broadcast_notice "WSS connection failed: $@\n"; undef $rtm_client; rtm_cooldown; } print "WSS connected\n"; $rtm_msg_id = 1; $rtm_ping_count = 0; $connected = 1; irc_check_welcome_all; $rtm_ping_timer = AnyEvent->timer(after => 60, cb => \&rtm_ping); $rtm_con->on(each_message => sub { eval { shift; my $msg = decode_json shift->{body}; print "RTM RECV: ", Dumper($msg) if $config{debug_dump}; irc_broadcast_notice "RTM error: $msg->{error}->{msg}" if $msg->{error}; if (defined $msg->{type}) { my $handler = $rtm_command{$msg->{type}}; $handler->($msg) if defined($handler); } }; print "Error in message handler: $@" if $@; }); $rtm_con->on(finish => sub { eval { my ($con) = @_; if (defined $con->close_error) { rtm_destroy "RTM connection error: $con->close_error"; } elsif (defined $con->close_reason) { rtm_destroy "RTM connection closed: $con->close_reason"; } else { rtm_destroy "RTM connection finished"; } }; print "Error in finish handler: $@" if $@; }); }); }; sub rtm_start { print "Requesting RTM connection\n"; rtm_apicall "rtm.start", {}, sub { my $data = shift; unless (defined($data)) { rtm_cooldown; return; } $self_id = $data->{self}->{id}; foreach my $c (@{$data->{users}}) { rtm_update_user $c; } foreach my $c (@{$data->{ims}}) { my $u = $users{$c->{user}}; $u->{DMId} = $c->{id}; $users_by_dmid{$c->{id}} = $u; } foreach my $c (@{$data->{channels}}) { rtm_update_channel "C", $c unless $c->{is_archived}; } foreach my $c (@{$data->{bots}}) { rtm_update_user $c; my $n = $c->{id}; } foreach my $c (@{$data->{groups}}) { rtm_update_channel "G", $c unless $c->{is_archived}; } rtm_start_ws $data->{url}; }; }; ######################################################################## # RTM kick-off ######################################################################## my $cfgfile = shift || die "You must specify a config file"; open(my $cfg, $cfgfile) || die "Can't open $cfgfile"; foreach (<$cfg>) { chomp; $config{$1} = $2 if /^([-_0-9a-zA-Z]+)=(.*)$/; } close($cfg); rtm_start; irc_listen; AnyEvent->condvar->recv;