#!/usr/bin/perl # organize.pl # Copyright (C) 2020 Daniel Beer # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. use strict; use warnings; package Day { sub days_in_month { my ($y, $m) = @_; die "Invalid year: $y" if $y < 1 or $y > 9999; die "Invalid month: $m" if $m < 1 or $m > 12; return 30 if $m == 4 || $m == 6 || $m == 9 || $m == 11; if ($m == 2) { return 29 unless $y % 400; return 28 unless $y % 100; return 29 unless $y % 4; return 28; } return 31; } sub pack_date { use integer; my ($y, $m, $d) = @_; my $when = 0; die "Invalid day: $d (month $m, year $y)" if $d < 1 or $d > days_in_month($y, $m); $y--; $m--; $d--; $when += $y * 365; $when += $y / 4; $when -= $y / 100; $when += $y / 400; for (my $i = 0; $i < $m; $i++) { $when += days_in_month(($y+1), ($i+1)); } return $when + $d; } sub unpack_date { use integer; my $when = shift; # 400-year cycles my $y = $when / 146097 * 400; $when %= 146097; # 100-year cycles my $y100 = $when / 36524; $y100 = 3 if $y100 > 3; $when -= $y100 * 36524; $y += $y100 * 100; # 4-year cycles $y += $when / 1461 * 4; $when %= 1461; # Whole years my $y1 = $when / 365; $y1 = 3 if $y1 > 3; $when -= $y1 * 365; $y += $y1; $y++; # Figure out what month it is my $m = 1; while ($when >= days_in_month $y, $m) { $when -= days_in_month $y, $m; $m++; } my $d = $when + 1; return ($y, $m, $d); } my @mnames = ( "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ); my @downames = ("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"); sub parse_date { my $text = shift; # Try ISO 8601 my @isoparts = split /-/, $text; return pack_date @isoparts if @isoparts == 3; # Otherwise, day month year my @parts = split /[\/ ]/, $text; die "Invalid date: $text" if @parts != 3; # Parse common month names my ($d, $m, $y) = @parts; for (my $i = 0; $i < @mnames; $i++) { $m = $i+1 if lc(substr($m, 0, 3)) eq lc($mnames[$i]); } return pack_date $y, $m, $d; } sub print_date { my $when = shift; my ($y, $m, $d) = unpack_date $when; my $mn = $mnames[$m - 1]; my $dn = $downames[$when % 7]; return sprintf("$dn %2d $mn $y", $d); } sub today { my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); return pack_date($year+1900, $mon+1, $mday); } sub print_reldays_abs { my $r = shift; my $wks = ""; if ($r >= 7) { use integer; $wks = ($r / 7) . "wk"; $r %= 7; } return $wks . "${r}d"; } sub print_reldays { my $r = shift; return "today" if $r == 0; return "yesterday" if $r == -1; return "tomorrow" if $r == 1; return print_reldays_abs(-$r) . " ago" if $r < 0; return "in " . print_reldays_abs($r); } } package Multitree { use Text::Tabs; sub path_combine { my ($a, $b) = @_; $a =~ s/\/+/\//g; $b =~ s/\/+/\//g; return $b if $b =~ /^\//; my @a = split /\//, $a; my @b = split /\//, $b; pop @a; for my $c (@b) { next if $c eq '.'; if ($c eq '..' && @a) { pop @a unless @a == 1 && $a[0] eq ''; } else { push @a, $c } } return join '/', @a; } sub read_line_tree { my $path = shift; # Read lines of text, parsing indentation my @lines; open my $fh, '<', $path or die "Can't open $path: $!"; while (<$fh>) { chomp; my $text = expand $_; $text =~ s/\r//g; $text =~ s/ *$//; if ($text =~ /( *)([^ ].*$)/) { my $level = length($1); my $line = $2; my $bullet; # Bullets if ($line =~ /^[-*] /) { $bullet = substr($line, 0, 1); $line = substr($line, 2); $level += 2; } push @lines, {Level => $level, Bullet => $bullet, Text => $line}; } else { push @lines, {Level => 0, Text => ""}; } } close $fh; # Mark headings my @new_lines; for my $line (@lines) { if ($line->{Text} =~ /^[-=#]+$/) { $new_lines[$#new_lines]->{Heading} = substr($line->{Text}, 0, 1) if @new_lines && $new_lines[$#new_lines]->{Text} ne ""; } else { push @new_lines, $line; } } @lines = @new_lines; # Assign levels to headings my $top_level = -3; for my $line (@lines) { $top_level = -1 if ($line->{Heading} // '') eq '-'; $top_level = -2 if ($line->{Heading} // '') eq '='; $line->{Level} = $top_level if $line->{Level} == 0 && $line->{Text} ne ""; } # Assign levels to blank lines my $level = 0; for my $line (@lines) { $level = $line->{Level} if $line->{Text} ne ""; $line->{Level} = $level if $line->{Text} eq ""; } # Group into tree. Each tree node is an array of items. Each item is # either a hashref line object, or an array of other items. my @stack = ([]); my @levels = (-3); for my $line (@lines) { while ($levels[$#levels] > $line->{Level}) { pop @stack; pop @levels; } # Pop item if we're starting a new one at the same level if ((defined($line->{Bullet}) || defined($line->{Heading})) && $levels[$#levels] == $line->{Level}) { pop @stack; pop @levels; } # Start new item if necessary unless ($levels[$#levels] == $line->{Level}) { my $new_item = []; push @{$stack[$#stack]}, $new_item if @stack; push @stack, $new_item; push @levels, $line->{Level}; } # Add to item push @{$stack[$#stack]}, $line->{Text}; } return $stack[0]; } # Multi-file trees with INCLUDE directives my %visited_files; sub read_multitree; sub expand_inclusions { my ($fn, $node) = @_; my @out; for my $line (@$node) { if (ref($line)) { push @out, expand_inclusions($fn, $line); } elsif ($line =~ /^INCLUDE (.*)$/) { my $subtree = visit_multitree(path_combine($fn, $1)); for my $l (@$subtree) { push @out, $l; } } else { push @out, $line; } } return \@out; } sub visit_multitree { my $fn = shift; die "Recursive file reference: $fn" if $visited_files{$fn}; $visited_files{$fn} = 1; return expand_inclusions($fn, read_line_tree($fn)); } sub read_multitree { %visited_files = (); visit_multitree @_; } } package Org { use Data::Dumper; sub process_cost { my $n = shift; for my $c (@{$n->{Children}}) { process_cost($c); $n->{CostTodo} += $c->{CostTodo} // 0; $n->{Cost} += $c->{Cost} // 0; } $n->{CostTodo} = ($n->{Cost} // 0) if $n->{Todo}; } sub max_priority { my ($best, $n) = @_; my $p = $n->{Priority}; $best = $p if defined $p && (!defined $best || $p > $best); for my $c (@{$n->{Children}}) { next if $c->{Project}; $best = max_priority($best, $c); } return $best; } sub set_priorities { my ($p, $n) = @_; $n->{ProjectPriority} = $p; for my $c (@{$n->{Children}}) { if ($c->{Project}) { prioritize_project($c); } else { set_priorities($p, $c); } } } sub prioritize_project { my $n = shift; my $p = max_priority undef, $n; set_priorities $p, $n; } sub inherit_priorities { my ($p, $n) = @_; $p = $n->{Priority} // $p; $n->{Priority} = $p; for my $c (@{$n->{Children}}) { inherit_priorities($p, $c); } } sub preprocess { my $n = shift; process_cost $n; prioritize_project $n; inherit_priorities undef, $n; } sub parse_nodes { my $r = shift; my @lines; my @children; my %out; for my $l (@$r) { if (ref $l) { push @children, parse_nodes($l); next; } if ($l =~ /^TODO *(.*)$/) { $out{Todo} = 1; $l = $1; next unless defined $l; } if ($l =~ /^PROJECT *(.*)$/) { $out{Project} = 1; next unless defined $l; } if ($l =~ /^DATE *(.*)$/) { $out{Date} = Day::parse_date $1; next; } if ($l =~ /^PRIORITY *(.*)$/) { $out{Priority} = $1; next; } push @lines, $l; } push @lines, '' unless @lines; $out{Title} = $lines[0]; $out{Lines} = \@lines; $out{Children} = \@children; if ($out{Title} =~ /^\[([0-9\.]+)\] *(.*)$/) { $out{Title} = $2; $out{Cost} = $1; } return \%out; } sub filter_nodes { my $cutoff = $_[0]; my $prioritize = $_[1]; my %n = %{$_[2]}; my @filtered_children; my $match = 0; $match = 1 if defined $n{Date} && $n{Date} < $cutoff; if (defined($n{Todo})) { if (defined $prioritize && defined $n{ProjectPriority}) { $match = 1 if ($n{Priority} // 0) + $prioritize > $n{ProjectPriority} } else { $match = 1 } } for my $c (@{$n{Children}}) { my $cf = filter_nodes($cutoff, $prioritize, $c); push @filtered_children, $cf if defined $cf; } $n{Children} = \@filtered_children; $n{Keep} = $match; $match = 1 if @filtered_children; return $match ? \%n : undef; } sub squash_tree { my %n = %{$_[0]}; my @filtered_children; for my $c (@{$n{Children}}) { push @filtered_children, squash_tree($c); } $n{Children} = \@filtered_children; # Squash this node if we can if (@filtered_children == 1 && !$n{Keep}) { my $context = $n{Title}; $context .= ": " if length($context) > 0; %n = %{$filtered_children[0]}; $n{Title} = $context . $n{Title}; } return \%n; } sub sort_by_date { my $n = shift; for my $c (@{$n->{Children}}) { sort_by_date($c); } my @c = sort { ($a->{SortKey} // 0) <=> ($b->{SortKey} // 0) } @{$n->{Children}}; $n->{Children} = \@c; my $k = $n->{Date}; foreach my $c (@c) { next unless defined $c->{SortKey}; $k = $c->{SortKey} if !defined($k) || $k > $c->{SortKey}; } $n->{SortKey} = $k; } sub print_todo { my ($today, $level, $n, $printer) = @_; my $title = $n->{Title}; my $cost_value = $n->{CostTodo} // 0; my $cost = ""; my $when = ""; my $bullet = "-"; my $indent = ' ' x ($level * 2); $bullet = "\x1b[1;31m*\x1b[0m" if defined $n->{Todo}; $title = "\x1b[1;33m$title\x1b[0m" unless $n->{Keep}; $cost = "[\x1b[1;34m$cost_value\x1b[0m] " if $cost_value; if ($n->{Date}) { my $r = $n->{Date} - $today; my $rel = Day::print_reldays $r; $rel = "\x1b[1;31m$rel\x1b[0;36m" if $r <= 0; my $day = Day::print_date $n->{Date}; $when = "\x1b[36m[\x1b[1m$day\x1b[0;36m ($rel)]\x1b[0m "; } if ($n->{Keep} || $n->{Title} ne '') { $printer->("${indent}${bullet} ${cost}${when}${title}"); $level++; } for my $c (@{$n->{Children}}) { print_todo($today, $level, $c, $printer); } } sub walk_for_planner { my $planner = shift; my $n = shift; for my $c (@{$n->{Children}}) { walk_for_planner($planner, $c); } my $date = $n->{Date}; push @{$planner->{$date}}, $n if defined $date && defined $n->{Keep}; } sub print_planner { my $tree = shift; my $today = shift; my $cutoff = shift; my $printer = shift; my %planner; walk_for_planner \%planner, $tree; for (my $i = 0; $i < $cutoff; $i++) { my $day = $today + $i; my $dt = Day::print_date $day; my $color = ($day % 7 >= 5) ? "33" : "36"; $printer->("") if $i && !($day % 7); $printer->("\x1b[${color}m\x{2015}\x{2015}\x{2015}" . "[ \x1b[1m$dt\x1b[0;${color}m ]" . ("\x{2015}" x 55) . "\x1b[0m"); next unless exists $planner{$day}; for my $n (@{$planner{$day}}) { my $bullet = "-"; my $title = $n->{Title}; $bullet = "\x1b[1m*\x1b[0m" if defined $n->{Todo}; $printer->("$bullet $title"); } } } # Preprocess an organizer tree with the given cutoff sub fss { my ($cutoff, $prioritize, $n) = @_; $n = Org::filter_nodes $cutoff, $prioritize, $n; $n = {Title => '', Children => []} unless defined $n; $n = Org::squash_tree $n; Org::sort_by_date $n; return $n; } } package main; use Getopt::Long; my $flag_version; my $flag_help; my $horizon = 14; my $agenda = 7; my $flag_no_color; my $prioritize; sub my_print { my $text = shift; $text =~ s/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g if $flag_no_color; print "$text\n"; } binmode STDOUT, ":utf8"; GetOptions("version" => \$flag_version, "help" => \$flag_help, "horizon=i" => \$horizon, "agenda=i" => \$agenda, "prioritize=i" => \$prioritize, "no-color" => \$flag_no_color); if ($flag_help) { print qq{Usage: $0 [options] [ ...] Options may be any of: --help Show this text. --version Print version and exit. --horizon Set horizon, in days. --agenda Set agenda length, in days. --no-color Do not use colour codes. --prioritize

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levels of priority within each project. }; exit 0; } if ($flag_version) { print "organize.pl version 2022-01-03\n"; print "Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Daniel Beer \n"; exit 0; } die "Invalid horizon" if $horizon < 0; die "Invalid agenda" if $agenda < 0; my $today = Day::today; die "You must specify at least one input file" unless @ARGV; my @n = map { Org::parse_nodes(Multitree::read_multitree($_)) } @ARGV; my $raw = { Title => '', Children => \@n }; Org::preprocess $raw; Org::print_todo $today, 0, Org::fss($today + $horizon, $prioritize, $raw), \&my_print; print "\n"; Org::print_planner Org::fss($today + $agenda, undef, $raw), $today, $agenda, \&my_print;