LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) ifdef OMAPES _base_path := $(OMAPES) # install the pre-built user-space libraries and executables define _add-sgx-vendor-lib include $$(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := $(basename $(notdir $1)) LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(_base_path)/$(notdir $1) LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_MODULE_SUFFIX := .so LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := SHARED_LIBRARIES LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $$(TARGET_OUT)/$(dir $1) include $$(BUILD_PREBUILT) endef define _add-sgx-vendor-bin include $$(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := $(basename $(notdir $1)) LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(_base_path)/$1 LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := EXECUTABLES LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $$(TARGET_OUT)/bin include $$(BUILD_PREBUILT) endef define _add-sgx-vendor-apk include $$(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := $(basename $(notdir $1)) LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(_base_path)/$1 LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := EXECUTABLES LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := APPS LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := PRESIGNED include $$(BUILD_PREBUILT) endef # Hacked up these file lists for ES3.x version # -- Daniel Beer , 29 May 2015 prebuilt_sgx_vendor_libs := \ lib/egl/libEGL_POWERVR_SGX530_121.so \ lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_POWERVR_SGX530_121.so \ lib/egl/libGLESv2_POWERVR_SGX530_121.so \ lib/hw/gralloc.omap3.so \ lib/libglslcompiler.so \ lib/libIMGegl.so \ lib/libpvr2d.so \ lib/libpvrANDROID_WSEGL.so \ lib/libPVRScopeServices.so \ lib/libsrv_um.so \ lib/libsfutil.so \ lib/libfakehal.so prebuilt_sgx_vendor_bins := \ eglinfo \ gles1test1 \ glsltest1_vertshader.txt \ glsltest1_fragshaderA.txt \ glsltest1_fragshaderB.txt \ gles2test1 \ pvrsrvinit \ framebuffer_test \ hal_client_test \ hal_server_test \ pvr2d_test \ services_test \ texture_benchmark \ sgx_blit_test \ xmultiegltest \ sgx_flip_test \ sgx_init_test \ sgx_clipblit_test \ sgx_render_flip_test prebuilt_sgx_vendor_apks := # The original install.sh file calls out # - sgx_blit_test # - sgx_clipblit_test # - pvr2d_test # - hwcomposer.omap3.so # but they aren't found. Oppositely, these files are available but not called # out by the install.sh script---install them just in case: # - hal_blit_test # - libtestwrap.so # - libeglinfo.so # - libgles1test1.so # - libgles2test1.so # There are some .a files---don't bother to install these: # - libffgen.a # - libuseasm.a # - libusp.a # Also, ignore these jar files as they seem to match the APKs to be installed: # - common.jar # - eglinfo.jar # - gles1test1.jar # - gles2test1.jar # - launcher.jar prebuilt_sgx_modules := $(foreach _file,$(prebuilt_sgx_vendor_libs) $(prebuilt_sgx_vendor_bins) $(prebuilt_sgx_vendor_apks), $(notdir $(basename $(_file)))) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := sgx_userspace_blobs LOCAL_MODULE_OWNER := ti LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES := $(prebuilt_sgx_modules) include $(BUILD_PHONY_PACKAGE) $(foreach _file,$(prebuilt_sgx_vendor_libs), \ $(eval $(call _add-sgx-vendor-lib,$(_file)))) $(foreach _file, $(prebuilt_sgx_vendor_bins), \ $(eval $(call _add-sgx-vendor-bin,$(_file)))) $(foreach _file, $(prebuilt_sgx_vendor_apks), \ $(eval $(call _add-sgx-vendor-apk,$(_file)))) prebuilt_sgx_modules := prebuilt_sgx_vendor_libs := prebuilt_sgx_vendor_bins := prebuilt_sgx_vendor_apks := _add-sgx-vendor-lib := _add-sgx-vendor-bin := _add-sgx-vendor-apk := endif # OMAPES